Home for a couple weeks now it’s a great time to reflect on the DE Experience.  Yes, for sure I will go again and I would definitely recommend it to any Stylist.  It was put together so well.  Going with Laila was already going to be positive at the least of expectation.  With two recent graduates of FHTC joining us***another leaving Vancouver to the Iberostar Hotel in Punta Mita Mexico ( ) it set the pace.  Imagine otherwise when I don’t know, maybe like 600 Hairstylists’ are at a stunning resort where it is all inclusive….yes, it’s basically whatever comes into your head!! Service was impeccable, everyone was so pleased. 


There were cocktail parties, 80’s theme party which had a live band that was very theatrical, as well as a wonderful display of creativity by Drea Lecher and Ben Mollin of the ISO team ( ) all within the first half of the week.  Meeting people that are most like minded.  All into education and vacationing (well, everyone is into vacationing) but again, it is a resort full of Stylists’.  So many lovely looking people running, stumbling, dancing, swimming, eating and drinking around.  Every morning was a class from ten to twelve thirty.  Perfect.  So much motivation taking place in a lovely large theater.  How can one not be inspired by the likes of Vivienne Mackinder and Trevor Sorbie??? ( )  These two are iconic in their own rights.  They focus on working hard and as the ISO fellow said “SHOW UP”.  They were so open about their personal selves.  Really so straight forward and honest and sincere.  Trevor Sorbie motivated me to get a little list of students that want to pop over to the Cancer Agency and work on their wigs regularly until we have a rotation going where every wig is ready at all times and someone is there to help patients. I was so moved to find out the amount of volunteer and selfless work this man does!!!  Truly a gentleman too.  He spoke of his wife and his sister with such honesty…not a dry eye when he was interviewed by Vivienne Mackinder( ) .   When Laila and I met Vivienne MacKinder we almost passed out.  I promised myself I would try to reach out and connect with people so it made sense at the time to approach her one evening and so glad I did.  She was so nice and welcoming.  We were star struck!   The night we saw and listened so intently to her talk was the best.  Laila our graduate Donna and I sat outside in front of the ocean and talked about hair and fashion and dreams for hours.  It was so lovely.  At this point I think Laila and I laughed and cried about two hundred times we were so excited and inspired.  I am always surprised at the moments that become those pivotal happy moments in your mind ...your go to’s for favorite moments.

What is a week of education without a little Neil Ducoff (Founder of Strategies) ) to remind us that good is not good enough.  I listened to his theory on a concept he refers to as Happiness also he has a level system 1-10 that really resonated with me and the way I like to do business….again, I was so inspired that at the end of his seminar I had to approach him and let him know that I was so moved by his No Compromise mentality!  He inspired us to the point where we immediately begin to implement what we learned.  Of course, some things we all know but need a little friendly reminder.  As a speaker, Neil Ducoff ( ) has a way of making accounting look almost fun..

The Iso team Drea Lecher and Ben Mollin ( ) really SHOWED UP!  First of all, they looked so good.  Drea Lecher could be a super model and Ben Mollin was very cool in a very cool kinda way.  We basically want to perm hair again, only we would never refer to a perm as a perm again or people may not get them.  That was a great tip.  Don’t refer to your perm as a perm, rather as the technique.  Brilliant.  Loved perming the hair that is sticking out of a large roller, securing the root to midshaft from the process…..tons of cool tricks.  I did not expect to be excited about perming (yay). 

Wrapping up the week with a white party was fitting.  Everyone had bonded to some degree, made friends, become fans of Joico even more.  The models the Joico team did were amazing.  Knowing Sherry and Jen made me even more proud to see the models look so incredible. 


All the grey and blues and metallic colors.  I remember bumping into Sherry and thinking how the hell can she be wearing a perfect crispy white top and not have a wrinkle or any color anywhere!!!!  Damn!  These girls worked it like consummate pros.  The Joico team is an inspiration in itself.  It was only right that they did the finale of all finale!!  Beauty meets avante garde. Color extraordinaire Sue Pemberton. ( ) So straight to the point and honest.    And the fellow that works so well next to her,  the aloof and ever so professional and composed Martin Hillier. ( ) So excited to recommend students try to assist or work at the Lounge in Vancouver because to work under him would surely inspire anyone. 

After all of that excitement 24/7 it can be a little shocking coming home and not having a buffet at your disposal, room service etc. etc.  The fond memories, chats, walks, drinks and endlessly making new friends is something that will last.  The key is to keep in touch with the people you meet especially at like minded events.  Something Vivienne MacKinder reminds me of is that people must bring and keep other people up.  Part of that is keeping each other inspired.  We have focused on Inspiration and what inspires us in theory for the past two weeks.  Best way to stay passionate about what you do is by remaining current and continuing your education!  If your not inspired go hang out somewhere that you will be inspired.  A love of mine once told me: You cannot fix a flower if it’s not blooming, you have to change it’s environment