Learning Can Be Fun!

What do you do as a small business owner to keep your Top Producing Employees stimulated and inspired to come to work??? It could be easier than you think!!

I recently had a professional experience that boosted the level of satisfaction for my job while re inspiring my Top Producing Employee. It made me see the importance of finding something fun within your industry to do and look forward to it. I chose a two day event hosted by Kevin Murphy and an amazing team of experts. I brought my most producing employee along who was thrilled. It helped that it was in Vegas, which in itself is always a treat!! When we came back to work we wanted to share what we learned. While we were away other employees had the opportunity to accomplish tasks on their own that may lead them to have similar opportunities to work towards. It is important to give employees a reason to want to continue to work hard. There is always upgrading of some sort happening within every industry. Combine learning with a little holiday and it can be like setting the refresh button.


Teaching is my passion and so is having fun. Laughter is love.