With the Coved 19 restrictions, the news ladies are doing their own hair and make up. Kelly and Ryan are doing their own hair as well on Live with Kelly and Ryan as they are working from home. I saw a car commercial where every actor in the car had imperfect hair
While we are all following the new Covid 19 restrictions, we will have some grey and or dark roots, damaged and or cracked nails, fillers and Botox wearing off on the face, not to mention a lot of hair where no one thought it would be if you have a standing appointment for hair removal no one else knows about. What about the man who gets his “toupee” adjusted regularly that he thinks no one knows about? Or those clients that literally have a trim up every two to three weeks? I wonder: How are they holding up? Are they cutting their own hair? What is the client doing with the long hair extensions that are barely hanging in by glue that needs to be re-bonded? The struggle to keep up all the necessities is real.
It is my hope that we will all come out of this more natural looking and (maybe) ok. with it. I see a future where peoples styles are adjusted to reflect a curvier body as I would say most will all gain a few pounds during isolation. After putting pajama and track pants/yoga pants on for so long, we will feel great in whatever we put on from our closets. Our hair will all have grown out so we will all have a little fresh start. It is fun to make a change in your haircut but is not always easy to grow it out so consider this a good time to change instead of going back to what you had before Covid 19. Just a suggestion. So many women and men are always held captive by their grey roots and keeping them covered, this is a great time to blend them out or seek options for changing to a less committed appointment cycle. As a Stylist myself, I would rather a client come and enjoy their appointment time than the client finds it a burden to keep up with. I want the client to have an excellent experience.
We will be like bears coming out of hibernation. We will want to go out and have dinner with friends and see our families to catch up. When we do, be gentle with your opinion if your friends and family are looking a little less spiffed up than you have seen in the past or if they have grey hair showing. Enjoy seeing some forehead movement amongst a more natural face. According to my mother, Covid 19 is the work of God to give us all the much needed reining in of all the superficial and surface beauty and technology we are so addicted to that is messing with the way we see beauty as well as the environmental abuse. Apparently, only days after my mother shared her theory, Dolly Parton was interviewed basically saying the same. I cannot help but notice how clear the ocean is on my walks and how clean the air is. This has made some significant change to the environment. Let us see if it makes a change in our beauty routines as we know them. Until then; Breathe in……Breathe out…….
Cynthia Skabar