
The highlights this year were monumental, significant and a wild ride, at times!!   The opportunity to become a Kevin Murphy’s Concept School in Vancouver was one of the first big things and after much consideration and many meetings I decided to go for it!! This was an honor that I could not miss out on for FHTC, the staff, client experience and most of all student experience!

 The demolition notice was a shocker, given five months to sort out a business and move in the city of Vancouver can be onerous for a small business owner even with over 25 years in business.  The decision to move downtown to a much larger space to accommodate the expansion has allowed us to have a beautiful beauty room, larger salon and my not so little office space is important to me, as is good closet(s) at home.  Like everything, it has its ups and downs but over all 1259 Granville is a pretty awesome space.  Students, Staff and clients new and loyal have spoken highly of what has been achieved in a small amount of time.

  About that time….it is true what they say, it flies; not limited to when having fun either, it simply flies all the time.  With 2018 in the rearview mirror, it was the end of it that was sweet.  To be nominated was a privilege but to be awarded “The Best Training Academy in British Columbia” was a remarkable achievement for FHTC.  With the two largest competitors in the same category I was not expecting this victory.  It was not only my victory to have been awarded this either.  It is every person that walks into FHTC on a regular basis.  It is the clients that come regular and some not so regular, but they come, and they laugh and tell stories and become a part of the culture.  Speaking of culture; it’s about the Instructors.  Both Laila and Yves bring such amazing art into the space that they create using their hands, paint and canvas.  People love to come see their art. They have even inspired me to hang a few of my own at The Centre! Granville Street is not always pleasant but FHTC has become a little gem in an area that is somewhat sketchy on one side and high end on the other…. it’s downtown Vancouver!!  We embrace our neighbors and our neighborhood. 

Of course, winning is also about the students.  Every year different, every group leaves a plethora of memories behind for us.  We have an eclectic, diverse, creative, artistic and fun groups. They learn from the instructors in an environment that is open, friendly and supportive to their needs.  We are all winners.  We all contribute to something that is real and honest and inclusive. That was one busy year.  Not sure what this one has in store.  If you are reading this, it is with thanks that YOU are a part of our award-winning team as well…. We are all winners!!    All the best in 2019 and forever 😊 xo, Cynthia